Have you ever had a precise idea in mind of how something should be, but there's no management system that's really right for you? In the cleaning sector more and more companies are facing this challenge. We provide the digitization for the cleaning sector and help solve this challenge.
You hear the same stories all the time of small businesses getting bogged down in bureaucracy because of increasing customer numbers and manual scheduling. These businesses want to grow, but they simply don't have the right resources. Often times they are looking for a system that can simplify certain aspects of their work.
However, many of these systems are often too complex or too expensive. That is why companies often prefer not to use a software system at all. Many aspects that are relevant to cleaning companies are less important to the vast majority of other companies. As a result, what happens is that software developers often focus on products that primarily satisfy the needs of the largest customer base.
Fortunately there are also cleaning companies that have started working on this. It was already clear to Klien 8 years ago that we had to keep up with the times. The trick is to start early so you have an edge over the rest of the market. Companies that have not started this process in time are often already behind the times. We created Klien-IT-Systems in part to answer this call for help from the industry.
Klien-IT-Systems is a combination of solutions for the administrative difficulties of the sector. We know what the weaknesses are and we know perfectly what the challenges are for cleaning companies. With our management system you can archive your most important data in one central online space. In addition to the system, an application has also been developed where employees can find all the information they need. The application is connected directly to the system. This means that employees don't have to go to the office as often and it works even faster. Indeed, they immediately receive the information they need. We have fully optimized the system and application for the cleaning industry, and we test it continuously here at Klien.
Como nunca se puede estar en todas partes al mismo tiempo, hay que encontrar la manera de saber qué hacen los empleados y dónde. En otras empresas, esto es fácil porque hay un lugar de trabajo físico común, como la oficina. Pero en una empresa de limpieza es justo lo contrario. Con nuestro seguimiento por GPS de entradas y salidas, siempre podrá saber si sus empleados están trabajando y en qué turno.
La transferencia de llaves es otro dilema administrativo. A menudo, cuando se pierde una llave es la palabra de alguien contra la de otro. Ahora hay una forma de dar a los empleados la responsabilidad del depósito de llaves. Esto ayuda a los empleados porque pueden demostrar que la llave no está en su poder, al igual que es útil ver exactamente quién trabaja dónde y con qué llave.
Klien-IT-Systems is a combination of solutions for the administrative difficulties of the sector. We know what the weaknesses are and we know perfectly what the challenges are for cleaning companies. With our management system you can archive your most important data in one central online space.
In addition to the system, an application has also been developed where employees can find all the information they need. The application is connected directly to the system, so employees don't have to go to the office as often and it works even faster. Indeed, they immediately receive the information they need. We have fully optimized the system and application for the cleaning industry, and we test it continuously here at Klien.
Additionally, the system also has a fully integrated accounting package. This means that you will no longer need an external package, because you will have everything centralized in one space. If you would like to keep the accounting package that you already have, we are of course willing to take a look at the various possibilities to keep it together with you.
El completo sistema de programación le permite automatizar totalmente el horario. Los empleados pueden ver el horario y solicitar tiempo libre o cambios a través de la aplicación. Gracias a esta función, siempre tendrá una perspectiva clara y completa, que le permitirá ajustar el horario en cualquier momento. Además, ahorrará mucho papeleo y no se perderá nada, ya que todo queda almacenado en el sistema.
The system includes all the features that small and medium-sized businesses need to thrive in the digitized world of the cleaning industry. The question is, of course, what future are we headed towards? At Klien-IT-Systems we are continuously working to improve and innovate our system and application. We listen to customers and staff who work with our system, so we are always open to suggestions, criticisms and new ideas. We use criticism and suggestions to fulfill the wishes of our customers in the best way.
También hay un equipo bien formado detrás de este mundo digital, así que si algo no le queda del todo claro, nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarle. Haremos todo lo posible para que su proceso de digitalización sea lo más sencillo posible.
Si utiliza procesos de automatización antiguos, su visión de futuro para su empresa está destinada a no cumplirse. Sin duda es una pena, ya que la digitalización y automatización de su empresa puede reportarle enormes beneficios.
Por eso nos complace ayudarle a que este proceso transcurra sin contratiempos, para que pueda beneficiarse de un sistema a la última.
¿Siente curiosidad por saber qué podemos hacer por su negocio o tiene otras preguntas? Consulte nuestro sitio web nuestro sitio web https://klien-it-systems.com/es/ Póngase en contacto con nosotros aquí o escribanos a [email protected]
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